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About WLS

From 1st January 2017 Woodford Liberal Synagogue formally joins together with Bet Tikvah Synagogue to become the East London & Essex Liberal Synagogue – further details will follow soon.

Shabbat at WLSWoodford Liberal Synagogue is a proud constituent of Liberal Judaism (External Website) – the dynamic, cutting and growing edge of modern Judaism to which more than 30 other congregations are affiliated.

Our motto is ‘Kol Yisrael areivin zeh ba’zeh’ – all Jews are responsible for each other.

As a community we:

• Proclaim and practise total equality.

• Welcome EVERYONE into our synagogue, embracing all who are Jewish, wish to convert or are non-Jewish members of a Jewish family.

• Provide a fun and friendly environment for all the family – involving children as much as possible.

• Guide individuals rather than instruct them.

• Teach children of all school years in our Cheder, offering dedicated Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Yachdav and Kabbalat Torah programmes.

• Offer different types of marriage and commitment ceremonies to suit a couple’s needs, including those in same-sex relationships – believing above all that a loving, monogamous relationship deserves to be sanctified in front of one’s family and community.

• Place a higher emphasis on ethical conduct than ritual observance.

• Believe that Judaism is not transmitted genetically but culturally and within families through example and influence.

• Seek to preserve the values of the Judaism of the past, while giving them contemporary force as we move into the future.

For more on the values, affirmations and practices of Liberal Judaism see: LJ Values & Affirmations (External Website)


In December 2013, Rabbi Richard Jacobi wrote about Living Judaism Living Wage after he attended an event organised by Citizens UK and the Living Wage Foundation.  he noted that: “By next May, when our movement gathers for its Biennial Weekend, we aim for our headquarters and all synagogues to be Living Wage employers”

We are pleased to say that in February 2014, WLS was formally accredited as Living Wage Employer.